An editor adopting this approach would exclude the Lindalino episode from the main text and might include it in a separate appendix. And from the outset, different editors might select different aims for their editions. What an editor does with this information is a further issue, for editing is neither a mechanical nor a monolithic activity, but as varied and dependent on judgment and insight as literary criticism. How an editor chooses to answer each question will greatly affect how the edition appears, and indeed, each question complicates the other. Voir toutes les offres (141) pour ce produit. Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année et bonnes lectures à tous ! Confronted with this discussion, one might reasonably ask what is the authoritative version of Gulliver’s Travels? 2 At the outset, I want to acknowledge that my discussion of the textual history of Gulliver’s Travels greatly depends on the research of many Swift scholars, most notably Michael Treadwell and David Woolley. 4, p. 212 (20 November 1733, Swift to Ford). The effects of these aspects are sometimes difficult to determine, but they certainly point to the historical distance that separates us from earlier periods. Of course, Faulkner had the benefit of time; over seven years had lapsed without the authorities applying any pressure on the printers and booksellers of Gulliver. Un voyage merveilleux 2. A guiding principle for many eclectic editions is the distinction between “accidentals” such as spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, and “substantives”, or the words themselves. And by the time Motte could have read these, he could not contact “Sympson” again since Swift had already left for Ireland. 42My second question, however, forces one to reconsider such a seemingly obvious resolution. Le dernier de ces voyages n’ayant pas été heureux, je me trouvai dégoûté de la mer, et je pris le parti de rester chez moi avec ma femme et mes enfants. Il avait acheté des actions de la Compagnie des mers du Sud pour 1 … Des questionnaires progressifs de compréhension et d'analyse du texte • Des exercices de vocabulaire à partir de champs lexicaux • Des activités d'expression orale • Des travaux d'écriture • Des activités Histoire des arts • Des activités numériques • Une interview imaginaire de Jonathan Swift • Les grands thèmes de l'œuvre : 1. 323-72; and G. Thomas Tanselle, “The Varieties of Scholarly Editing”, in Scholarly Editing: A Guide to Research, David C. Greetham (ed. Therefore, there can be no single, definitive version of Gulliver’s Travels, though this pluralism does not entail a kind of editorial anarchy in which any version is as good as another. Les Voyages de Gulliver Jonathan Swift, Ecrivain, satiriste, essayiste, pamphlétaire politique anglo-irlandais (1667–1745) Ce livre numérique présente «Les Voyages de Gulliver», de Jonathan Swift, édité en texte intégral. In this approach, the editor would attempt to identify and remove “corruptions” to the text imposed by those other than the author. As we have seen, even Faulkner did not publish Swift’s “complete” text, though of course Faulkner did not seem to have altered it as extensively as Tooke did. See Herbert Davis (ed. Swift, concerned more about the London edition, asked his friend Charles Ford to help him compile a list of over 100 corrections, mostly minor. Conditions d’utilisation : Rather, it refers to an edition that has been edited according to specified principles applied as consistently and accurately as possible. Les Voyages de Gulliver. That is, one can edit a work from a variety of perspectives, creating multiple editions with each one meriting the label “authoritative”.15. Trouvez les offres des librairies les plus proches : Suivez Gulliver dans son voyage extraordinaire le plus célèbre ! Swift believed Wood’s copper coins would seriously weaken the Irish economy, and wrote his famous Drapier’s Letters to arouse the public’s anger. 1 The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift, Harold Williams (ed. Retrouvez toute la littérature, la jeunesse, les classiques, FrenchPDF est un blog gratuit qui vous permet de télécharger des livres pdf gratuit, livre numérique, tous les livres pdf sont gratuits. Faulkner, however, published his edition of Gulliver as volume three of Swift’s collected Works, which places the work in an entirely different context. We can better attempt to distinguish between those words that Swift wrote and alterations that others caused, whether approved by Swift or not. The letter is dated 2 April 1727, most likely the date Swift finished it. And once we include this episode, we have selected a strict authorial standard that excludes the intentions or involvement of Ford and Faulkner. I am alone responsible for any errors or misinterpretations. Through the manipulation of a large magnet, Laputa can roam across Balnibari as well as descend and ascend. Faulkner does print what seem to be Swift’s versions of the controversial passages instead of Tooke’s alterations. OpenEdition est un portail de ressources électroniques en sciences humaines et sociales. Il avait acheté des actions de la Compagnie des mers du Sud pour 1 … 47Finally, an editor of any non-facsimile edition needs to decide what to do with those textual pieces outside the main narrative of the work. “Gulliver vexeth me more than any.”1 When Jonathan Swift wrote this sentence, he was referring not to his narrator, but to the problems that beset his efforts to publish a new edition of Gulliver’s Travels. Thus the editorial problems seem to be easily resolved in this case. The packet contained a manuscript and a curious letter from a stranger named Richard Sympson. While satirists such as Swift wanted to publish correct and complete versions of their works, booksellers faced intense pressures from the authorities. The editor’s task is even more complicated since the readings in Ford’s interleaved copy and Faulkner’s edition do not always agree, and such discrepancies force an editor to judge each variant in terms of final authorial intention and non-authorial intervention. Il avait acheté des actions de la Compagnie des mers du Sud pour 1 … Il découvre des hommes pas plus hauts qu'un pouce, qui mènent une guerre incessante et absurde contre leurs voisins. — Il obtient des grâces par sa douceur. L’empereur de Lilliput, accompagné de plusieurs de ses courtisans, vient pour voir l’auteur dans sa prison. 46A different kind of genetic edition might approach the work not from the perspective of the author, but from that of his contemporary audience. Géolocalisation en cours, merci de patienter. 36One option that immediately comes to mind is the facsimile edition, which photographically reproduces a particular text of a work. En raison du nombre important de commandes, nous vous recommandons de privilégier les ouvrages en stock (pastilles vertes) afin d'être servis avant Noël. Date de publication sur Atramenta : 10 mars 2011 à 13h29. 9-32. A more liberal approach to authorial intention would allow those changes that Swift accepted or to which he acquiesced. Only much later and long after Swift’s death did the title become Gulliver’s Travels. 7 Corr., vol. Géant parmi ces êtres minuscules, il apprend leurs coutumes, sauve leur palais des flammes et les aide à combattre leur ennemi juré, le peuple de Blefuscu. The Lindalino episode does not appear in Faulkner’s text, though as far as we know, Swift wrote it to be included. NOM DE FICHIER: Les voyages de Gulliver - Texte abrégé.pdf. From what we know about the relationship between Swift and Faulkner, this preference seems reasonable. Telecharger Livre Voyages Livres numériques Pdf et ePub Livres numériques Pdf et ePub Découvrez près de millions ebooks gratuits à télécharger dès maintenant aux formats Pdf et ePub ! A more complicated question concerns Tooke’s alterations. In the case of Gulliver, the primary corruptions involve Tooke’s alterations, which were clearly done without Swift’s approval. Consequently, editors generally prefer the accidentals of the first printed edition. Consequently, some editorial theorists emphasize the collaborative nature of publishing, and accept or at least consider textual material deriving from editors and booksellers in addition to authors. We might be inclined to object to these as strenuously as Swift did, but they do form part of the work’s textual history and reveal the public nature of literary production. The editor selects not only a specific edition to reproduce, but also a specific copy of that edition. On the day of publication, Motte finalized his agreement with “Richard Sympson” by paying the fee originally agreed upon. Chap. Je changeai de demeure, et me transportai de l’Old-Jewry à la rue de Fetter-Lane, et de là à Wapping, dans l’espérance d’avoir de la pratique parmi les This last effort is no easy matter given the nature of Ford’s interleaved copy and the uncertain dating of its contents. It seems that neither Swift nor Ford had access to the original manuscript at this time, which remained in London. Swift recorded these minor corrections and others in what is known as the “Armagh Gulliver”, which resides at the Armagh Public Library in Northern Ireland. 41But any consideration of the author’s intentions must address two complicated theoretical and practical questions: (1) which intentions – the author’s original, intermediate, or final intentions – are to be followed? Mon panie Political Satire in The Voyage to Lilliput. Jonathan Swift. Although commas, italics, and similar material might seem trivial, they can – however subtly – affect how we respond to a text. Adresse : Université de Caen Basse-Normandie/MRSH Campus 1 – MRSH Esplanade de la Paix 14032 Caen cedex France. He therefore returned the packet to Sympson three days later via an unknown intermediary and offered to pay the fee after publication. With the more substantive changes, Swift via Ford directed Motte to restore the text to the manuscript version. 8 Corr., vol. 9Swift’s stratagems went beyond the pseudonyms of Gulliver and Sympson, for neither the enclosed manuscript nor the letters to Motte were in his handwriting. He also directly elevates lawyers in general, who have “dedicated themselves to this Profession” and earn a “fair and justifiable … Income.” As for Swift’s comment that lawyers have enslaved everyone else, Tooke softens it so that some lawyers have “in a Manner … made Slaves of … the Vulgar.”10 (“Vulgar” derives from the Latin vulgus, meaning the common people.). La Bibliothèque électronique du Québec Collection À tous les vents Volume 393 : version 2.0 2 This chapter describes the flying island of Laputa, which literally reigns above the island Balnibari. Les Voyages de Gulliver Jonathan Swift Texte intégral. The campaign worked, for Wood’s project was abandoned. La géographie Pour commencer : relisez les … 315-16. You are previewing: Les voyages de Gulliver – Texte abr?g? Fortunately for Motte, his partner Andrew Tooke had extensive experience in “correcting” or editing works for publication. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Since all these activities involve judgment, equally competent editors might form different conclusions. This division of labor both saved time and reduced the political risk. Swift himself recognized the controversy his work might arouse; he was only partly joking when he wrote that it could be published “when a Printer shall be found brave enough to venture his Eares.”7 Some booksellers chose to take risks and hoped to profit from selling potentially scandalous material, but Motte was not among them. At this time Faulkner claimed to have Swift’s original manuscript, but this was not the most important item that Swift sought, probably because he had since made revisions. The Lindalinians conceived a brilliant plan to extract concessions from the King of Laputa. Swift planned the whole thing beautifully, or so he thought. 48In this essay I have been less interested in solving editorial problems than in raising them. BOULAIRE, François (dir.) 18Motte had no objections to the minor corrections, but he balked at the more substantive ones, for they had troubled him in the first place. Focusing on some of the most biting passages in Swift’s satire, Tooke rewrote at least four passages such that “the Style is debased, the humor quite lost, and the matter insipid”, as Swift angrily put it seven years later.8. Le texte intégral est accompagné d'un groupement de textes sur les géants et les mondes lointains. Readers can examine and compare such variants (if included) if they wish to do so, though this kind of format encourages readers to perceive the edited text as a stable product. And in Part Four, chapter six, he omits the final, devastating paragraph on the nobility. We also know that Faulkner first printed some revisions that Swift wanted. During this period in England, booksellers, more often than authors, faced various penalties for publishing politically dangerous material, ranging from harassment, confiscation or destruction of equipment, fines, imprisonment, physical mutilation, and, in extreme cases, execution. Noté /5. Il avait acheté des actions de la Compagnie des mers du Sud pour 1 … This preference derives not from a misplaced faith that the first printers accurately reproduced minor details of the author’s manuscript, but from the reasoned argument that later printers probably altered them even further. Doing so involves comparing multiple printed and manuscript sources. Retrouvez Voyages de Gulliver : Voyages chez plusieurs nations reculées du monde, par Lemuel Gulliver, d'abord chirurgien, puis capitaine sur différents vaisseaux, texte intégral et des millions de livres en stock sur In this case, the editor would begin with Motte’s first edition and then incorporate the changes as they appeared in Motte’s second edition and Faulkner’s edition. (241). 4, p. 211 (20 November 1733, Swift to Charles Ford), hereafter abbreviated as Corr. 35If such general observations suggest the plurality of possible editions, specific concerns multiply that number further. Parcourant le monde, ce chirurgien anglais fait naufrage au pays de Lilliput. In addition, an editor might consider what to do with Pope’s poems, which sometimes reduce Swift’s satire to mere comedy, as well as Gulliver’s portrait or the title itself, which is almost never rendered as Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. This approach is more broadly “social” than “authorial”, and in the case of Gulliver’s Travels would guide an editor to incorporate readings believed to derive from Ford or Faulkner, especially since Swift seemed to have accepted or at least invited their participation. Ce n’est que bien plus tard que Zeus et les onze autres dieux de l’Olympe prirent enfin le pouvoir afin de régner sur son immensité. (164). One scholar argues that Motte’s edition employs typographical devices conventional to the travel narratives of Swift’s day, and so reproducing these might evoke this context.16 Indeed, Motte’s editions contain frontispiece portraits of Gulliver, a practice continued by Faulkner. This situation should not be surprising, since textual histories are so variable and the survival rate of sources is so unpredictable. Premier voyage de Gulliver, Voyage à Lilliput, Résolutions pour quand je vieillirai et autres pensées sur divers sujets. Le roman a été écrit par Swift après le krach de 1720. Subsequent references are given in the text. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of several Ships. Not surprisingly, then, Gulliver continues to vex. An edition of Gulliver’s Travels – or of any written work, for that matter – depends to a great extent on the goals and principles that the editor employs. 11We get a sense of Tooke’s changes from the famous passage on the law in Part Four, chapter five. Gulliver / voyage à Lilliput : texte intégral et dossier. Autres mondes, autres regards. Jonathan Swift Texte intégral. Belin - Gallimard. TAILLE DU FICHIER: 6,67 MB. fontaines ] 2 vols Paris 1727. (161-62). 90. Though admitting that the enclosed manuscript “may be thought in one or two places to be a little Satyrical”, Sympson hoped Motte would agree to publish it.3 The letter specified strict conditions about how to proceed. Its placement, whether as a prefatory comment or an appendix, affects how readers first encounter and react to Gulliver. Boulaire, François, et Daniel Carey, ed. Il se peut que votre navigateur vous demande l'autorisation de vous géolocaliser. Gulliver / voyage à Lilliput : texte intégral et dossier, Voyage à Lilliput Jonathan Swift. How can we distinguish with certainty between those portions written by Swift and those by Tooke, Ford, Faulkner, or someone else? 4 vols Paris 1925-6 . Creators of eclectic editions strive to shape a text that best represents the intentions of the author as distinct from those of editors, booksellers, or others. 32One final comment about Faulkner’s edition concerns Swift’s original manuscript of Gulliver. Upset with the unauthorized changes to the early editions, Swift wanted to correct and perhaps revise his work, but to do so he needed to track down various manuscripts and printed copies. Un travail typographique le rend facile et agréable à lire. How would an editor attempt such editions? À la fin du XVIII e, le roman est parvenu à sa maturité. 14In Part Three, chapter six, Tooke similarly reduces the satire associated with plots and conspiracies. 5,70. Il découvre des hommes pas plus hauts qu'un pouce, qui mènent une guerre incessante et absurde contre leurs voisins. This passage describes the rebellion in Lindalino (or “double lin”, meaning Dublin), a thinly disguised allegory of the Irish resistance to the importation of William Wood’s halfpence in the mid-1720s. They would also foster an atmosphere in which these kinds of textual matters are not reserved for specialists and not considered ancillary to the broader endeavors of literary criticism and scholarship. Further, the textual history of this individual work sheds light on broader issues involving political censorship and the nature of publishing in eighteenth-century England. A letter of 9 October 1733 to Ford reveals Swift’s sense of desperation: I wish you would please to let me know, whether You have such an interleaved Gulliver; and where and how I could get it; For to say the truth, I cannot with patience endure that mingld and mangled manner, as it came from Mottes hands.13. Après un naufrage, Lemuel Gulliver se retrouve sur une île, dont les habitants ne mesurent que quelques centimètres, mais qui semble bien plus avancée que l'Angleterre du … In Dublin, Swift received early copies, and though he was delighted with his book’s popularity, he was bothered by the changes inflicted by Motte and Tooke. See also the following by Woolley: “Swift’s Copy of Gulliver’s Travels: The Armagh Gulliver, Hyde’s Edition, and Swift’s Earliest Corrections”, in The Art of Jonathan Swift, Clive T. Probyn (ed. Francois Baranger, Cet ouvrage a fait l'objet d'un véritable travail en vue d'une édition numérique. Once the King realized this plan, he granted them their demands. 7This peculiar negotiation – if “negotiation” is even the appropriate term – was in fact an elaborate ruse concocted by Jonathan Swift with a little help from his friends. de l’anglais par l’abbé Pierre-François Guyot Desfontaines (1685-1745). 17Swift immediately began to correct his own copy, and supplied some minor alterations to John Hyde, a Dublin bookseller hurrying an edition through the press. One should allow for the appropriate use of judgment and insight as well, for editing is no less an imaginative task than other forms of reading or interpretation. Lire en mode normal (façon ereader) Résumé de l'oeuvre. Les Voyages de Gulliver Jonathan Swift Texte intégral. Aside from this kind of editorial intervention, however, a facsimile edition strives to reproduce a particular text and to preserve its qualities as a document. But of course, Swift goes further, describing a potential outcome of the rebellion: I was assured by a great Minister, that if the Island had descended so near the Town, as not to be able to raise it self, the Citizens were determined to fix it for ever, to kill the King and all his Servants, and entirely change the Government. The “genetic” approach to editing emphasizes process over product by incorporating the variants into the main text, so that readers directly experience the growth of the text in all its additions and deletions. At some point after the first edition appeared, Swift wrote five paragraphs describing a successful resistance by the Lindalinians, who are nowhere else mentioned in Gulliver’s Travels.14 The passage is preserved in Ford’s interleaved copy, so Faulkner must have known about it, though he did not print it; in fact, it never appeared in print until 1896. Faulkner placed it after his own advertisement and before Sympson’s “Publisher to the Reader”. The sentence occurs in a letter dated seven years after Swift’s work first appeared, and at the time he felt frustrated in his attempts to gather the necessary materials for his bookseller. Sa forme et son esthétique ne changeront plus beaucoup jusqu'au XX e siècle. Dernière modification : 14 mars 2016 à 10h48. In the letter, “Gulliver” complains about some of the alterations, pointing specifically to Parts Three and Four, and suggests that Motte was, afraid of giving Offence; that People in Power were very watchful over the Press; and apt not only to interpret, but to punish every thing which looked like an Inuendo (as I think you called it). Jonathan Swift. Real and Helgard Stöver-Leidig (eds), München, Wilhelm Fink, 1998, pp. Reproducing Faulkner’s edition would emphasize Gulliver’s important position in Swift’s oeuvre and the various ways Swift employed pseudonyms. 51-54; “‘About ten days ago…’”, in Swift, the Enigmatic Dean: Festschrift for Hermann Josef Real, Rudolf Freiburg, Arno Löffler, and Wolfgang Zach (eds), with the assistance of Jan Schnitker, Tübingen, Stauffenburg, 1998, pp. In Gulliver’s conversations with his master Houyhnhnm, Swift bluntly and categorically denounces lawyers: I said there was a Society of Men among us, bred up from their Youth in the Art of proving by Words multiplied for the Purpose, that White is Black, and Black is White, according as they are paid. ; CAREY, Daniel (dir.). Ford’s list – certainly prepared under Swift’s guidance – helps us identify where Tooke changed Swift’s text. 15Motte took further precautions by dividing the edited manuscript and sending separate sections to five different printers. 5 Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels, Paul Turner (ed. Eighteenth-century books look “strange” to us, and this strangeness can be a source of insight into how contemporary readers responded to them. Découvrez et achetez Voyages de Gulliver - Jonathan Swift - Folio sur ... Les voyages de Gulliver, les voyages du capitaine Lemuel Gulliver en divers pays éloignés ... Folio Junior. He probably replied to Swift – though the evidence for such a reply is circumstantial – defending the changes by saying that he wanted to avoid offending the authorities. 12 Corr., vol. 16On 28 October, about two and a half months after receiving the manuscript, Motte published in two volumes Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. Œuvre du domaine public. Swift wrote under the name “Sympson” to keep his authorship a secret and to maintain that Gulliver’s narrative was a true account. On 13 August, Sympson replied with a one-sentence letter: “I would have both Volumes come out together and published by Christmas at furthest.”4 This terse response suggests at least two things: first, that Sympson enclosed not only the original manuscript that Motte had read but a second volume as well, so that the bookseller now had the complete work and could proceed; and second, that Sympson felt he had reached an agreement with Motte such that negotiations were over. Swift’s friend and fellow author John Gay served as Swift’s scribe for the letters; as for the manuscript, we do not know whose hand it was in, except that it was not Swift’s. 4Knowledge acquired from the work’s textual history can then inform how one edits or evaluates a particular edition. ), New York, The Modern Language Association of America, 1995, pp. One might assume that this was also the end of Motte’s relationship with Swift, but in later years the two men had cordial relations, and so it seems probable that Swift understood the pressures Motte faced. Pourtant, qui aurait pu imaginer que ses nombreux voyages l’amèneraient à vivre des histoires si extraordinaires ? As the essays in this volume show, one can interpret Gulliver’s Travels from a variety of perspectives. Les Voyages de Gulliver marquent un sommet de la satire sociale et politique au travers déléments mêlant, sur le mode du pamphlet ou de la description narrative, de la philosophie, de la logique, du fantastique et de la science-fiction. 34The concept of multiple authoritative editions is not contradictory, for the term “authoritative” does not necessarily entail singularity. Les voyages de Gulliver - ebook (ePub) Texte intégral. The book was an instant success, apparently selling out in a week and forcing Motte to reprint it twice by December. Un travail typographique le rend facile et agréable à lire. In more than one sense, then, it seems appropriate to speak not of the text of Gulliver’s Travels, but of the texts. Texte intégral. Un travail typographique le rend facile et agréable à lire. Sympson stated that his cousin, Lemuel Gulliver, had written an account of travels that Sympson had edited and was offering to Motte for publication. Parcourant le monde, ce chirurgien anglais fait naufrage au pays de Lilliput. Studying such matters puts us more in touch with all those involved with the texts of Gulliver, including Swift himself, his authorized and unauthorized editors, his booksellers, as well as the larger political forces that impinged on the dissemination of his work. Ajouter au panier ... Les voyages de Gulliver - Texte Abrégé - Poche. Though much of the letter functions within the fictional and satirical world of the rest of the book, it also refers to the book’s by-now complicated textual history. Cet ouvrage a fait l'objet d'un véritable travail en vue d'une édition numérique. — Gens savans nommés pour apprendre la langue à l’auteur. If one wants an edition that represents Swift’s final intentions for Gulliver, then Faulkner’s text would seem to be most preferable, since we know that to some extent Swift oversaw its production. 24The difficulty Swift experienced in locating this copy prompted the quotation that opens this essay: “Gulliver vexeth me more than any.” But the copy was found in time to be used for Faulkner’s edition, primarily owing to the industry of Faulkner himself, who sailed to England and transcribed the changes from Ford’s copy. Swift completed Part Three – the last of the four to be finished – shortly after his Drapier campaign, and so this particular controversy, as well as the broader history of England’s oppression of Ireland, was foremost in his mind. Parti pour découvrir le vaste monde, Gulliver échoue à Lilliput, un monde peuplé d'êtres humains grands de quinze centimètres seulement. They quickly built four large towers at each corner of the city, placing on top of each a magnet, so that should the island descend, the magnets on the towers would pull the island downward and pierce its bottom. 5-9. Vous allez être redirigé vers OpenEdition Search. If Motte wished to publish it, he would pay two hundred pounds up front, after which he would receive the subsequent parts of Gulliver’s narrative. Such a situation is inevitable, especially given this work’s complicated textual lineage. Put simply, Motte’s text highlights the generic context, Faulkner’s the biographical. Jonathan Swift : Angleterre, Irlande et patriotisme protestant, 168... Jonathan Swift : Angleterre, Irlande et patriotisme protestant, 1688-1735, Suggérer l'acquisition à votre bibliothèque, Par auteurs, Par personnes citées, Par mots clés. To this Society all the rest of the People are Slaves. 43If an editor prefers Swift’s original intentions, then he or she would return to Motte’s edition, remove Tooke’s alterations, and attempt to distinguish between Swift’s restorations and his revisions. Thus Swift tricked Motte into agreeing to publish the book before he had the chance to read the most scandalous parts. ), London, Vision Press, 1978, pp. Les voyages de Gulliver - Texte Abrégé, Jonathan Swift, Laurence Kiéfé, Ldp Jeunesse. Faulkner saw this as a chance to make his mark, and Swift saw this as an opportunity to correct and even revise some of his writings, most especially Gulliver. Again, distinguishing between the sources of these changes is quite difficult, and it seems unlikely that Swift’s work passed through a neat, linear process of alterations. 28When Swift originally wrote Part Three, chapter three, he discussed the possibility of rebellion, but emphasized those quashing the rebellion rather than those raising it.