In February 1898, Emile Zola was sued for “J’accuse” by both the War Office and the handwriting experts. 1 - Complaint and related documents Filed & Entered: 9/30/2016. in L'Aurore , Jan. 3, 1898 [removed to oversize folder] Box 1 Folder 44 Portrait photograph of Emile Zola, inscribed Folder 45 Court of Appeals summons directing Forzinetti to appear on Jan. 27, 1899 Folder 46 Yeah, about that: this paper is pretty terrible. The same for Major Picquart, who, for a feeling of high dignity, did not want to publish the letters of General Gonse. I accuse General Mercier of being an accomplice, if by weakness of spirit, in one of greatest iniquities of the century. My nights would be haunted by the specter of innocence that suffer there, through the most dreadful of tortures, for a crime it did not commit. Je n'accuse pas le peuple, j'accuse son gouvernement, qui subordonne sa politique envers Cuba aux intérêts corrompus d'une minorité mafieuse d'origine cubaine qui vit à Miami. A crime! Gonse was instrumental in dismissing Lt. We seek to achieve justice for Jews and Israel in the public sphere by competing in the … I shall not chronicle these doubts and the subsequent conclusion reached by Mr.Scheurer-Kestner. Zola, qui n'a plus à … Nothing could make them leave that position. And it is to you, Mr. President, that I shall proclaim this truth, with all the revulsion that an honest man can summon. At the time of “J’accuse,” Zola was working on the concluding novel, Paris (1898), of his new series Les Trois Villes [Lourdes (1894), Rome (1896)], in which he examined socialist, anarchist and anticlerical themes. A court martial, under orders, has just dared to acquit that character, Esterhazy, the supreme insult to all truth and all justice. You can write a book review and share your experiences. [36] The Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen (Declaration of Human and Civil Rights) was proclaimed on August 26, 1789, one of the first decrees of the newly formed French National Assembly. J'accuse le consort Xi d'infidélité, une tache sur le palais impérial - que même la mort n'efface pas. At the time of “J’accuse,” Zola was working on the concluding novel, Paris (1898), of his new series Les Trois Villes [Lourdes (1894), Rome (1896)], in which he examined socialist, anarchist and anticlerical … Plus connue sous le nom de « J'accuse... ! For your honour, I am convinced that you are unaware of it. I accuse General De Pellieux and commander Ravary of performing a rogue investigation, by which I mean an investigation of the most monstrous partiality, of which we have, in the report of the second, an imperishable monument of naive audacity. Ah, what a good sweeping out the government of this Republic should give to that Jesuit-lair, as General Billot himself calls it. The Trondheim City Council approved a plan to boycott all Israeli goods and services that are produced in Judea and Samaria. The fact that someone could have been convicted on this charge is the ultimate iniquity. Could these things be true, these unspeakable acts, these deeds so dangerous that they must be carefully hidden behind closed doors to keep Europe from going up in flames? See, for instance, his article “Pour les Juifs,” published in Le Figaro in May 1896. This does not apply to non-text media. O justice, what horrible despair grips our hearts? [10] The highly publicized court martial of Major Esterhazy was planned to defuse and refute definitively any accusations against him and prevent a retrial for Dreyfus. Félix Faure’s sudden death in office in 1899 gave impetus to the Dreyfus Affair: during his state funeral, a few right-wingers led by ultra-nationalist writer Paul Déroulède tried unsuccessfully to stage a coup. Lecture automatique Lorsque cette fonctionnalité est activée, une vidéo issue des suggestions est automatiquement lancée à la suite de la lecture en cours. Consequently, a duel would take place between Major Picquart and Major Du Paty de Clam, one with face uncovered, the other masked. Picquart tried in vain to convince his superiors to admit the judicial error and grant Dreyfus a retrial. There are two victims, two good people, two simple hearts, who waited for God while the devil acted. When the Minister of War, the commander in chief, proclaims, in public and to the acclamation of the nation’s representatives, the absolute authority of a previous verdict, how can you expect a court martial to rule against him? To Paris, the truth inexorably marched, and it is known how the awaited storm burst. The first council of war could have been foolish; the second was inevitably criminal. On the other hand, as Zola keeps mentioning, the report charged that Esterhazy had been in fact the victim of Lt. Col. Picquart, who was then paradoxically accused of having forged the “petit bleu” (actually the work of Maj. Henry) and who was arrested following the trial. Transcription acte de mariage 2017. Modifier. First, the truth about the lawsuit and the judgment of Dreyfus. My duty is to speak, I do not want to be an accomplice. Transcription of report by Dr. Defos du Rau on health of Dreyfus, Oct. 28, 1894 1 6 Handwritten letter from F. Gribelin to Forzinetti, [ Oct. 1894] 1 7 Certified copy of letter from Auguste Mercier to Gen. Saussier, Dec. 12, 1894 (certified by S. Tisseyre) 1 8 Handwritten letter signed "Michel" to Gen. Saussier, Dec. 13, 1894, with transcription 1 9 Bertillon, Alphonse. He had engaged, he was compromised. His nefarious role, from the beginning of the case, could not have been known to Zola at the time of “J’accuse…!” (see last note). J'accuse definition: any strong denunciation | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Amazon's Rekognition reckons 1 in 5 Californian lawmakers are crims in ACLU test You gotta use 99% confidence setting before arresting anyone. And how childish the language is, how groundless the accusation! Faut du gasoil dans la bagnole. I am not even talking about the way the judges were hand-picked. ... La police suédoise modifie alors la transcription de la déclaration de la femme sans procéder à un nouvel interrogatoire … There is the Minister of War, General Mercier, whose intelligence seems poor; there are the head of the High Command, General De Boisdeffre, who appears to have yielded to his clerical passion, and the assistant manager of the High Command, General Gonse, whose conscience could put up with many things. [38], I accuse the offices of the War Office of having used the press, particularly L’Eclairand L’Echo de Paris,[39] to conduct an abominable campaign to mislead public opinion and cover up their own wrongdoing, Finally, I accuse the first court martial of violating the law by convicting the accused on the basis of evidence that was kept secret, and I accuse the second court martial of covering up this illegality, on orders, by committing the judicial crime of acquitting a guilty man with full knowledge of his guilt.[40]. The United Nations' Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme is a modern version dated December 10, 1948. In 1918 Grelling wrote again, this time as an expatriate in Switzerland. [15] Colonel Jean Sandherr (1846-1897), was Head of the Military Intelligence from 1891 to 1895. I am stating simply that Major duPaty de Clam, as the officer of justice charged with the preliminary investigation of the Dreyfus case, is the first and the most grievous offender in the ghastly miscarriage of justice that has been committed. He was the great honest man, the man of his honest life, he believed that the truth sufficed for itself, especially when it seemed as bright as the full day. Colonel Picquart’s investigation. and it is all the more odious and cynical that they lie with impunity without one being able to convince others of it. Émile Édouard Charles Antoine Zola (/ ˈ z oʊ l ə /; [1] French: []; 2 April 1840 – 29 September 1902) [2] was a French novelist, playwright, journalist, the best-known practitioner of the literary school of naturalism, and an important contributor to the development of theatrical naturalism. When the Minister of War, the overall chief, established publicly, with the acclamations of the national representation, the authority of the final decision; you want a council of war to give him a formal denial? It is for this serene trust that he is now being so cruelly punished. Online shopping for Movies & TV from a great selection of TV, Movies & more at everyday low prices. L’Aurore had agreed to publish a series of articles by Emile Zola concerning the Dreyfus Case, after the novelist’s first series, started in November for Le Figaro, had been cut short following hostile reactions from its subscribers. In the few interviews he gave, he admitted that he had passed confidential documents to the Germans, but tried to present himself as a triple agent. [18] General Auguste Mercier (Arras 1838-Paris 1921). And I cannot help but find Major Paty de Clam here, considering his fertile imagination. Regarding Lt. Col. Picquart, even this despicable deed was perpetrated: a French tribunal allowed the statement of the case to become a public indictment of one of the witnesses [Picquart], accusing him of all sorts of wrongdoing, It then chose to prosecute the case behind closed doors as soon as that witness was brought in to defend himself. How, then, could subordinates contradict it? He served as Minister of War (1906-1909) in the cabinet of Premier Georges Clemenceau. But what filth this wretched Dreyfus affair[9] has cast on your name, or, might I say, your reign. Please accept, Mr. President, the assurance of my deep respect. I have only one passion, that of the light, in the name of humanity which has suffered so much and is entitled to happiness. And we arrive at the Esterhazy affair. C'est bien le mail d'accusé réception que j'ai reçu 2-3 jours après avoir envoyé le dossier et à ce jour je n'ai pas eu de nouvelles. Minister of War 1893-1894 in the Casimir-Périer’s cabinet and the two Dupuy’s cabinets (1894; 1894-1895). It was only seven years later, in 1906, that Alfred Dreyfus was fully rehabilitated, restored to the army with the rank of Major, and decorated with the Legion of Honor. [20] General Arthur Gonse (1838-1917) Second in command in the General Staff. He appealed the judgment but, in July, the verdict was reconfirmed with a one-year jail term and a very stiff financial penalty. Find me a motive. It doesn't seem to me to be the case for J'Accuse, and I know it's not the case with leftist newspapers in England or the U.S. Although a graduate of Saint-Cyr Military Academy, he decided to pursue a business career. J'accuse ! Ah! So all that remained of the case was the bordereau, on which the experts had not been able to agree. As for myself, I have not despaired in the least, of the triumph of right. [12]He was the one who came up with the scheme of dictating the text of the bordereau[13] to Dreyfus; he was the one who had the idea of observing him in a mirror-lined room. The New War Movies That Say ‘J’ Accuse' to the French. Au mégaphone dans l'assemblée. Colonel du Paty de Clam was the one who had concocted the whole story, who kept it going, tipping his hand with his outrageous methods. Since they dared, I too will dare. we attend this infamous spectacle, of the lost men of debts and crimes upon whom one proclaims innocence, while one attacks honor, a man with a spotless life! His ashes were transferred in 1908 to the Pantheon in Paris. And now they were passing judgment once again. Convinced that his failures were due to a Jewish plot, he rallied the anti-Semite campaign with all the rousing energy of a modern day condottiere. His express duty was to open an inquiry. [13] The word bordereau refers to a sort of memorandum, listing a series of attached documents that a mysterious traitor [Esterhazy] was peddling to Maximilian Von Schwartzkoppen, the German military attaché. It is just that there are certain secrets that are better left alone. In 1899 the Dreyfus case was brought before the Supreme Court of Appeal, which ordered a re-trial. For almost two months we have been following this nasty business hour by hour. I accuse General de Boisdeffre and General Gonse of complicity in the same crime, the former, no doubt, out of religious prejudice, the latter perhaps out of that esprit de corps that has transformed the War Office into an unassailable holy ark. My nights would otherwise be haunted by the specter of an innocent man, far away, suffering the most horrible of tortures for a crime he did not commit. He boasted that he would confound him and make him confess all. In March 1896, Lt. Col. Georges Picquart, then Head of Military Intelligence, uncovered evidence indicating that an infantry officer, Maj. Marie-Charles Walsin-Esterhazy (1847-1923), was actually the traitor. [34] General Georges-Gabriel de Pellieux (1842-1900). He kept insisting to his superiors in the name of justice. It is then that help had come to him, he had received an anonymous letter informing him of the work of his enemies, a mysterious lady had come under cover of night to return a stolen evidence against him to the High Command, which would save him. I say that this is another crime and that this crime will stir up universal conscience. Damien SAEZ. This page was last edited on 31 August 2018, at 19:52. Three years have passed, many consciences remain profoundly troubled, become anxious, investigate, and wind up convinced that Dreyfus is innocent. It is reported that, in the room of the council, the judges were naturally going to acquit. And, while I do not want to retell a partly known history here, Commander Paty de Clam enters the scene, as soon as first suspicion falls upon Dreyfus. Zola was found guilty of libel. Note that, so far, General Billot was in no way compromised. One spoke to us of fourteen charges: we find only one in the final analysis, that of the memo; and we even learn that the experts did not agree, than one of them, Mr. Gobert, was coerced militarily, because he did not allow himself to reach a conclusion in the desired direction. Here is thus, Mr. President, the Esterhazy affair: a culprit whose name it was a question of clearing. [28] That lettre-télégramme, also known as “le petit bleu,” had been sent by the German military Attaché to Esterhazy. Rescue had come, in the form of an anonymous letter warning of enemy actions, and a mysterious woman had even gone to the trouble one night of slipping him a paper, stolen from headquarters, that would save him. all that was agitated insanity there and stupidity, imaginations insane, practices of low police force, manners of inquisition and tyranny, good pleasure of some non-commissioned officers putting their boots on the nation, returning in its throat its cry of truth and justice, under the lying pretext and sacrilege of the reason of State. Among the cloak and dagger details that he mentioned were secret documents charging Picquart and definite proofs of Dreyfus’ treason, which he obviously never produced. Transcription : Keïko Toute la chanson se joue en Power Chords (pratiquement que des accords 5 ème) pour la même raison que d’habitude, ça sonne lourd. Today, the affair merely starts, since today only the positions are clear: on the one hand, the culprits who do not want the light to come; the other, the carriers of justice who will give their life to see it come. In August 1898, however, Maj. Hubert Joseph Henry (1846-1898) was forced to confess to Prime Minister Cavaignac that he was the one who had forged some of the early documents implicating Dreyfus: he was arrested, but committed suicide in his cell. "Content available only under GFDL is not permissible" (§7.4). The action I am taking is no more than a radical measure to hasten the explosion of truth and justice. Behind the closed doors, the utmost secrecy is demanded. While proclaiming these charges, I am not unaware of subjecting myself to articles 30 and 31 of the press law of July 29, 1881, which punishes the offense of slander. The definitive eulogy for Zola, however, had been given at his burial in 1902, when writer Anatole France declared: “He was a moment in the conscience of man.”. One of them, Mr. Gobert, faced military pressure when he dared to come to a conclusion other than the desired one. Esterhazy left France as soon as Maj. Henry, who had been covering up for him, was exposed. Commander Du Paty de Clam arrests Dreyfus, in secret. Why stir up trouble, especially since the sun would soon shine? So they rendered an iniquitous verdict that will forever weigh upon our courts martial and will henceforth cast a shadow of suspicion on all their decrees. What is certain is that he never once acted against the will of his superiors. Let them dare, then, to bring me before a court of law and investigate in the full light of day! You can complete the translation of [j 'accuse] given by the French-English Collins … No! I Think I Love You, her second novel, was published in 2010. My ignited protest is nothing more than the cry of my heart. And what a nest of base intrigues, gossips and dilapidations has this crowned asylum become, where the fate of fatherland is decided! The trial received an enormous amount of publicity in France and abroad. Would you allow me, grateful as I am for the kind reception you once extended to me,[5] to show my concern about maintaining your well-deserved prestige and to point out that your star which, until now, has shone so brightly, risks being dimmed by the most shameful and indelible of stains. From that moment on, he was the one who “invented” Dreyfus the traitor, the one who orchestrated the whole affair and made it his own. Among the other Alsatians involved in the Affair were Lt. It is a family lawsuit, one is there against oneself, and it is necessary to remember this: the High Command wanted the lawsuit, it was judged, and it has just judged it a second time. He died in September 1899, the very same day that Dreyfus was granted a presidential pardon by Emile Loubet. I declare simply that commander Du Paty de Clam, charged to investigate the Dreyfus business as a legal officer, is, in date and in responsibility, the first culprit in the appalling miscarriage of justice committed. What is at stake is the sword, the master that will one day, perhaps, be forced upon us.