Postal Code Place Name Region Department Arrondissement Canton; 76600: Le Havre: Normandie Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for CPA_Carte Postale-France Le Havre -Paquebot Le transatlantique Lafayette -1921- at the best online prices at … Postal codes for all regions in France. Télécharger la carte de la Belgique reprenant tous les codes postaux belges classés par commune. Looking for Postal codes for Nigeria States or Nigeria Zip Code in 2020? You must at one point in time came across Zip/Postal codes, mostly when filling an online form for international transactions, registration or application. Find a postal code for Paris. Our staff can help you purchase a phone, collect a parcel, and more! This page includes the following content: code method, envelope example and address format, the way of writing the postal code … posted by bernard @ 1:06 AM 0 comments . List of Postal Codes in Le Havre Canton. If yes, your zip code and postal address will be detected automatically. Retrouvez le code postal de la ville Havre dans le département Seine-Maritime (76), plan de la ville avec les boites aux lettres pour poster votre courrier. Cliquez sur un nom de département de la liste ci-dessous pour accéder à la liste de toutes les codes postaux de ce département.Vous pouvez également rechercher un département à partir de la carte des départements français en bas de page. Find a postal code in France. Restaurants et hôtels. Parisian shopping in a city garden. Cette page comprend le contenu suivant: Méthode du code, Exemple d’enveloppe et Format d’adresse, la façon d’écrire correctement le code postal, lien de référence pour les demandes de code postal. With the city just around the corner, the Bassins du Havre condos in Griffintown offers an environment where water is everywhere: the Lachine Canal, the water basins at the heart of the project, the private terraces built to look like docks, the pools on the roofs, the spa, and much more. The Port of Le Havre is managed by a state agency called Grand Port Maritime du Havre, created by Decree 2008-1037 on 9 October 2008 and replacing the former "Port Autonome du Havre" that had been created along with Bordeaux by the first bill on port autonomy in 1920, a status granted on January 1, 1925 and confirmed by the second bill on port autonomy in 1965. They can also answer any questions relating to your POST services. Try typing in the above box: The name of a town to find its postcode. Tuesday, January 03, 2006 . This is an online tool (Mashup) to search postal code of a place, address or city in France. "London") We have given below the postal codes of 80 major important areas and districts of Dammam. Note that the postal code may be searched with nearby approximation. Le Passage du Havre est une galerie commerciale dans le quartier de Saint-Lazare. Here is the best article for that. La ville de Le Havre est située à 69 km de la ville de Rouen. "9011", "AB1", "9980-999") or a city (eg. Code Postal - Code INSEE 2015 Croisement de la base Geofla® Communes 2015 et de la Base officielle des codes postaux. Example : 2 0 3 8 3 0 5 4. Also you can click on the location you desire to find a zip code/postal address for your mails destination. Le Havre : code postal et informations. Lookup Postcode - Zip Code - Postal Code of Address in Havre, MT on map. To know which one to use, please enter below the first line of the address, which will usually contain a house number and a street name. "London") Retrouvez ses 40 boutiques et son jardin pour un … The 6-digit Zip Postal Code is the latest update of 2020 for 63 provinces and cities in Vietnam. Code postal le havre. This is the Senegal Post Code page. cartes postales du havre une collection personnelle de cartes postales qui j'espère vous fera plaisir. Le Havre Postal Codes - Find the list of all zip codes or postal codes belongs to Le Havre area of Haute-Normandie, France. The postal code of Al Hussam district, the most important area of Dammam where the offices of Saudi Aramco, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chamber of Commerce are found is 34223. Follows this links of all post offices in Lebanon, their address and their postal code. Postal Codes in Havre-Aubert, QC. Postal codes help confirm the location when transferring mail, postal items or used to fill in information when users register online with a request to enter a postal code or postal code. Canadian Postal Code Database Get all Canadian Postal Codes, Provinces, Cities and their information in one easy to use database. Le code postal de Havre est le code postal 76600.Il est composé du code du département Seine-Maritime (76) et du code du bureau distributeur postal de Havre qui est le 600.La commune de Havre fait partie du département 76 (Seine-Maritime) situé dans la … Select the name of the Place/Address/City (in France) from the suggested list. Drag to change point. Use our interactive map, address lookup, or code list to find the correct zip code for your postal mails destination. Port code, known shipping lines and liner connections for port of Le Havre. Le Havre (76600, 76610, 76620) Les codes postaux de la ville du Havre sont 76600, 76610 et 76620. Postal Code Generator: this postal code generator can generate postal codes for UK and Canada, postal codes, commonly referred to as zipcode in the United States, 5 digits for zip codes in the United States, and uppercase letters and numbers for UK and Canada. Get help no matter where you are in the world. Cities by ZIP Code™ For more rapid delivery, please use the recommended or recognized city names whenever possible for this ZIP Code ™. The first four digits represent the region or postal zone,the last four digits represent the building. "9011", "AB1", "9980-999") or a city (eg. Dataset Identifier code-postal-code-insee-2015@public. HAVRE SAINT PIERRE, Quebec Canada Postal Codes. Route cargo Cargo routes by region Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania Reference tools Port directory Rail yard directory Airport directory Container number validator Container specs by code Become a member. Live on the water. Cliquer ici pour avoir plus d'infos. This is the Lebanon Post Code page. Either enter a postal code (eg. La commune de Le havre ( code postal 76600) se situe dans le departement Seine-Maritime (76), en région Haute Normandie. Vous trouverez ici la liste de toutes les codes postaux de France classées par département. Le havre à une population d'environ 190900 habitants appelés Havrais et Havraises Code postal de Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) Haute-Normandie Le Havre appartient au département de Seine-Maritime (dont le chef-lieu est Rouen) Insee Wikipedia . Postal codes located in Havre-Aubert, QC.. This page includes the following content: code method, envelope example and address format, the way of writing the postal code … If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. This will display the postal code of the selected location from France on Google map. Les habitant(e)s du Havre s'appellent les Havrais, Havraises. Paris has several possible postal codes. Please allow this site to determine your location. Enter the name of the town to search for: This free service will help you quickly find the correct postcode for a town in France. G0G 0B1; G0G 1P0; Products. Il est constitué du code départemental 76 (département Seine-Maritime) suivi de l'identifiant du bureau distributeur postal 600., c'est aussi la liste des restaurants, des hôtels et autres commerces dans votre quartier. Code postal 76600. For example: 10, Downing Street. Alternatively you can download the Postal Codes in Excel format here. Le Havre se situe dans le département de la Seine Maritime de la région Normandie. Codes postaux belges. Postal Codes We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Find zip code by address or by point doing click on map. Select a postal code from the list below to view the information for that postal code. How does it work? The full address (with postal code) will then be displayed on the map below. posted by bernard @ 1:07 AM 0 comments . Postal Codes in Lebanon consist of 4 numbers,also consist of 8 numbers. Code Postal du Havre : 76600 La ville du Havre - 76600 se trouve dans la région Normandie et porte le code départemental 76 faisant partie du département de la Seine-Maritime . We have collected more than 120,000 Canadian postal codes and more than 530,000 UK postal codes, all of which are real and in use. Il s'agit de la page Italie code de publication. Code postal de Montivilliers (Seine-Maritime) : département, adresse, nom des habitants, code insee, altitude, ... loin de la pollution du Havre et près de ce grand port. Le code postal de Le Havre est le 76600. Either enter a postal code (eg. Ayez toujours à portée de main les codes postaux belges.